Launched: January 13 2023

The Reveal of the Ghost NFT Project by Fvckrender


The legend of the web3 art, Frederic Duquette, better known in the realm as Fvckrender, is preparing another big NFT endeavor dubbed The Reveal of the Ghost. The upcoming project will be like no other in the creator’s portfolio, as it will be released during a 69-day auction time frame via the Manifold marketplace.


The NFT collection will be composed of 69 still frames of one complete video that, one by one, will be realized through a hybrid ranked and dutch auction model, warming up the collectors’ engagement. At the end of The Reveal of the Ghost NFT auction, each winning bidder will receive the full video.

Starting from January 13th for 69 days straight, one still NFT frame will be released per day at 7 am EST. The mechanics of the auction are intended to make the bidding as fair as possible for each collector. Thus, the highest bidder will receive NFT #69, the second-highest #1, and the lowest bid will grab token #68. Moreover, after the conclusion of each auction session, the difference between the bid of each participant and the lowest one will return to the bidders’ wallets. This means that all participants will finally pay the same price, making the auction fair for everyone.

Fvckrender is known for close-knit interaction with his fans during each release. The artist does his best to make his artwork available to as many collectors as possible. As for the upcoming project, it offers a unique participation experience, rewarding bidders for their love and dedication with equal opportunities and prices.

Participate in the latest project by Fvckrender to add worthy artwork to your collections!