Launched: April 05 2022

The Furbii Collection


A fun and private collection of 2367 cute little birdies inspired (Fan Art) on Furby toys. This is a collection of Furbii NFTs that live in Polygon.
I'm a modest artist and I've made them with care, love and for the purpose of fun.
10% of sales will go to charity. Also prices are designed so that those who want to invest can get some profit if they buy the first ones.


A fun and private collection of 2367 cute little birdies inspired (Fan Art) on Furby toys. This is a collection of Furbii NFTs that live in Polygon.
I'm a modest artist and I've made them with care, love and for the purpose of fun.
10% of sales will go to charity.
I have a small community on:
Facebook Gaming
Still small but I do my best to keep growing.

Each level will have different prices to ensure the Investor Profit and Floor; as follows:

PRICES (its equivalent in ETH in day of listing):
From Furbii 1 - 738 -> Rare: USD. $5,00 Epic: USD. $5,50 Legend: USD. $6,00
From Furbii 739 - 1478 -> Rare: USD. $7,00 Epic: USD. $7,50 Legend: USD. $8,00
From Furbii 1479 - 2218 -> Rare: USD. $9,00 Epic: USD. $9,50 Legend: USD. $10,00
From Furbii 2219 - 2367 - > Marketing (raffles and gifts).

These prices are designed so that those who want to invest can get some profit if they buy the first ones. From 04/05/22 I will start the minting one by one adding also the metadata (Type, Nature, HP, Attack, Armor, Critical %, Evasion %).

The Furbii are unique, there is only one for each one. They can be of rare, epic or legendary type (this based on a score I give them one by one). Also randomically they can be nature, empathic, psychopathic, fearful, brave, wise and agile. Both the type and their nature influence their metadata, this way I make sure that each one is unique.

08/15/2021: Start of creation of all NFT. Done.
01/29/2022: Finish creation of all 2367 NFT. Done.
01/31/2022: Start of announcements on my social networks. Done.
01/31/2022: Create the collection page on opensea. Done.
02/01/2022: Definition for calculating rarity and attributes of Furbii NFTs. Done.
02/02/2022: Creation and start of marketing campaign on NFT calendar. Done.
02/05/2022: Start marketing and giveaways on discord and social networks. Doing.
02/20/2022: Choose a charity to allocate % of sales. Done.
04/05/2022: Start minting Furbii NFT in opensea. Will done.
??/??/?? Furbii Collection Season 1 sold out and 10% of sales have been given to charity. Will done.
??/??/?? Season 2 begins (holders of at least 5 Furbii NFT of Season 1 will receive 1 NFT from Season 2). Will done.

This is not Crypto Punk or Bored Ape but these Furbiies will explode your heart and head. A collection of fun NFT art.

I am a modest artist and I have made them with care, love and with the purpose of having fun.