Launched: March 15 2023

The flying legion


With each breeding session happening every 13 months for 5 generations, the breeding activity will last for 65 months, protecting it from many winter cycles. Earn 12% incentive on sell of child Pigeon.

There are lots and lots of NFT projects in the market right now. Some have cool art, some have great utility and some are just there to scam you. But very few of them have a roadmap to protect your investment from NFT winters. Your NFT has no immunity against winter flu.

Ladies and Gentlemen and the torch bearer of WEB3, Presenting you The Flying Legion NFTs, The NFTs for crypto winters.

The Flying Legion NFT is Currently a collection of 5555 basic-looking racing pigeons, which breeds and wins prize pots for its Hodlers.

Here Hodlers can race their NFTs and win prize money. They can get access to the members-only portal to Bid and Breed these pigeons.

The Breeding Will happen once in 13 Months. After Each Breeding Session, a new generation will be produced. The current generation we are launching is generation 0. Generation 0 will automatically get whitelisted for Gen 1 launch and so will go on till Gen 4.

About Breeding

Only the NFT Hodlers will have access to a special portal known as community gates. Each hodlers profile will be created with respect to their NFT Hodlings. Once in 13 months, the hodlers will pull match request in portal which will be open for other hodlers in matching pool. Whoever accepts the request and forms the match will be able to breed their nfts.

The dominant features from the parents will get pass to upcoming generation and new bloodlines will form. The new bloodline will be the best of what matched from the previous bloodline.

Along with this, the new generation will get cooler and more powerful because of Mutation.

This mutation is genetic. Hodlers needn't buy anything external.

There is a lot more to tell. If you are more curious please have a read through The Flying Legion Whitepaper.

Join Our Discord, Visit our website, and Follow us on Instagram and twitter for the latest updates.


Everything You Need To Know About The Flying Legion NFTs

With each breeding session happening every 13 months for 5 generations, the breeding activity will last for 65 months, protecting it from many winter cycles. Earn 12% incentive on sell of child Pigeon.

There are lots and lots of NFT projects in the market right now. Some have cool art, some have great utility and some are just there to scam you. But very few of them have a roadmap to protect your investment from NFT winters. Your NFT has no immunity against winter flu.

Ladies and Gentlemen and the torch bearer of WEB3, Presenting you The Flying Legion NFTs, The NFTs for crypto winters.

The Flying Legion NFT is Currently a collection of 5555 basic-looking racing pigeons, which breeds and wins prize pots for its Hodlers.

Here Hodlers can race their NFTs and win prize money. They can get access to the members-only portal to Bid and Breed these pigeons.

The Breeding Will happen once in 13 Months. After Each Breeding Session, a new generation will be produced. The current generation we are launching is generation 0. Generation 0 will automatically get whitelisted for Gen 1 launch and so will go on till Gen 4.

About Breeding

Only the NFT Hodlers will have access to a special portal known as community gates. Each hodlers profile will be created with respect to their NFT Hodlings. Once in 13 months, the hodlers will pull match request in portal which will be open for other hodlers in matching pool. Whoever accepts the request and forms the match will be able to breed their nfts.

The dominant features from the parents will get pass to upcoming generation and new bloodlines will form. The new bloodline will be the best of what matched from the previous bloodline.

Along with this, the new generation will get cooler and more powerful because of Mutation.

This mutation is genetic. Hodlers needn't buy anything external.

There is a lot more to tell. If you are more curious please have a read through The Flying Legion Whitepaper.

Join Our Discord, Visit our website, and Follow us on Instagram and twitter for the latest updates.