Launched: June 30 2022

RoC Collection


Roc is a project that aims to develop a mobile game, with plot a feud between 4 main tribes, bringing back the dynamics (nb: only the dynamics) of a famous board game, developed on Blockchain.


Collection of NFT entirely hand-drawn (more than 250 traits to date) by our graphic designers of 6767 unique pieces; the mint will be in Q2 and there will be 6700 NFT available. To avoid any kind of gaswar there will be a presale in which 3.000 WL users will be able to mint a maximum of 2 NFTs (with 7 days time).
The NFT will be the heroes to be used within the mobile game and, at a later time, will also become the avatars within the metaverse. Each NFT will be unique, with unique characteristics and traits and linked to special powers within the game; for example the sharingan trait will allow the user to take 2 consecutive turns once per game (as the sharingan has the power to anticipate moves in the manga).
We have drawn many iconic traits of famous characters, movies, manga, tv series, anime etc... Some of them are: M.J. jacket from thriller, N.Big's crown, sharingan, hokage jacket, cruella fur coat etc...

the team is composed as follows: a software house of 15 developers, of which 5 devs are dedicated to the project, 2 designers, football players from Serie A and B and foreign influencers and actors.

IMP: we annunced this in our discord because we take care of our community and our team.

Transparency for RoC
Preamble: The aim is to build a solid project with total transparency and security for the community! We are aware of the lack of credibility that this world has in terms of seriousness and transparency, being also on a personal level, investors and fans of the NFT world. We are working to make this world better and more accessible, not to exploit it, so we have structured a sort of guarantee for the community in case the project does not have the momentum to reach the next stages of the roadmap.
If we don't mint at least 70% of the NFTs for sale the project will be closed and each user will be refunded the ETH spent before gasfee (if the user spent X+gasfee we will make the return transaction for a total of X). X is the price of the mint in ETH.
Supply for sale: 6700
70% of NFT is 4690 NFT

We are the first project to declare such a thing in total transparency!