Launched: April 11 2022

Quantum Chosen


Mark Haughton of the Quantum Chosen One Podcast
has been winning large jackpots from the Lottery on a regular for years.
By the power of his subconscious mind.
He now teaches thousands of people around the world, how to harness their own mind power to create abundance, align with the universe, listen to our Higher selves’ guidance, and the power of Angel Numbers.


Quantum Chosen One Podcast just launched their first NFT! The Quantum Chosen Angel Numbers!

Do repeating or Angel numbers seem to follow you around?

That’s the Universe guiding you!

We all have our favorite Angel Numbers or symbols that call to us or show up when we least expect it!

Let these Quantum Chosen Angel Numbers raise your vibration and be a reminder that there are no coincidences and YOU Are the Creator of your world. You have the power!

Get your Lucky Charm to Power charge your manifestation today!