Launched: December 20 2022, 17:00 UTC

Poly World


Polymons are available for catching, purchasing (on the market), and collecting. Following the capture of several Polymons, you will need to train and equip your Polymon to defend and combat. It’s imperative that you evolve your Polymon if you want to excel as a trainer in the Polyworld. You can showcase your Polymons and talents at tournaments organized in the Polymon Arenas.


Poly World is A Free-To-Play Creature-Collecting game utilizing the best of web2, web3, blockchain monetization and the rich game-world of a classic RPG.

We want to make a game that is enjoyable to play and available to all types of players, including blockchain gamers, casual gamers, crypto maxis, and NFT collectors. All gamers are invited to join in. We want to return ownership to you.