Launched: July 01 2022



Planetowners is a revolutionary, ambitious collectible NFT project, created with the intent to change the rules, both in the Metaverse and in the Real World. Because THINGS are not going in a way that we like so much..


We are a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) and what the Planetowners Collective has created is a limited collection of 222 "Primary" Non-Fungible Token, inspired by the Nations & Flags of our planet, residing on the Ethereum blockchain. Transforming your "Primary" NFTs in "Xpecials NFTs", using our "X Tokens", will Blow Your Mind : create Black, Golden, Icy, LGBTQ+, Rusty Nations and many more.

Be their King / Queen / President / Pope.. the only limit is your Imagination.Holding our NFTs makes you officially a Planetowner and allows you to become an exclusive member of the most influential NFT ecosystem evermade: Community, Merch, Events, a dedicated Cryptocurrency and a real meta-economy.

Join the Movement and Play for the Planet!