Launched: March 21 2022

Pap Mutation by BaronPap


We want our project to digitally and physically connect people from all over the World, exchanging hand to hand BaronPap signed Items.

Meeting up digitally and getting to know each other physically with one shared purpose from everyone, the passion for art.

We want to connect people passionate about physical and digital art from all over the World. Every nationality will be welcome.


This story tells of unnatural beings, shapes, colors. With these drawings we tell the mutation of reality as we imagine it. There is no logic, no coherence, only abstract images.

Through the creation of physical drawings produced on paper, which I then transform into digital, I communicate this idea of mutation, not only through the image but also through the process.

Our vision is to mutate the ecosystem of physical art and digital art, from the ink flowing on paper, to millions of Pixels forming the digital image, from the .JPG to the Blockchain network.

The journey starts from your screen and ends in your hands.

11 pieces of art in 1/1 version created handmade.