Launched: February 24 2023, 19:00 UTC

Oocca Club


We are thrilled to announce that the oocca club NFTs are finally here! Everything you should know concerning the oocca club upcoming NFT collection launch.


The oocca club is a storytelling 3D NFT collection ready to explore the web3 and their metaverses. The 8,888 unique gen 0 oocca’s are programmatically generated from over 51,000,000 possibilities and 75 traits. All NFTs from this collection come with a fully rigged 3D model, are backed with 33% of their mint value and come with amazing utilities and benefits.
In total 88 of the 8,888 ooccas are reserved and will not be sold in the NFT sale. The reserved ooccas will be used for giveaways and partnerships.
Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity and discover the endless possibilities and utilities to level up your NFT experience and be a part of the oocca club community. Our gen 0 oocca club NFT Sale is the perfect opportunity for users to take their NFT experience to the next level.

Overall Information concerning our Launch
Contract: ERC721
Total supply: 8,888
OG Mint: February 24th
OG Mint Window: 24 hours
WL Mint: February 25th
WL Mint Window: 12 hours
Public Mint: 12 hours after the Pre-sale.
Public Price: 0.03 ETH