Launched: December 10 2022

Metaverse Chip


Metaverse Chip is a Multichain NFT project where holders earn
rewards from native token for holding.

This Chip in form of an NFT gives you access to a digital, virtual
world we’re building called EUTOPIA. This EUTOPIA is a whole new
metaverse designed by the team behind METACHIP.


EUTOPIA is a place of free will where holders of our NFT can own properties like lands, houses, cars and even get a family like a wife and children, Mind blowing right? With the help of our technicians we able to create a simulation of the real life and made it even better in the sense that it a whole new world of opportunity that can benefit you not only in the verse but also in real life as every token gained from the Eutopia can also be exchanged into cash on the real life.

This is where things get even better, you can get a job in this Metaverse and earn monthly, yeah all this is what we have in stock for everyone, a world of possibilities where you can be yourself without the fear of being intimated or harassed by anyone, you get to own a house, car, get a job.
To make things even more interesting this properties can be sold as NFTs too yeah you can either sell them in EUTOPIA or as NFTs in any Market place of your choice.