Launched: April 01 2022



"HolyBuck" is a 10k NFT collection that grants its holders staking rewards, community exclusive prizes & merchandise. Join the "HBK Squad"?


"Holy Buck" is a collection of 10 000 unquie NFT's living on the Polygon network. Publicly launching at 7 Matic (0,0032 ETH), you might be asking yourself why 7 Matic? Well the answer is quiet simple in the Bible the number 7 is quiet significant because it represents perfection. By no means will we be perfect but as a project we will do everything we can to become our very best!

In the world of dance (Krump) when the dancer goes all out they say he/she is going “Buck” in this state the dancer is putting in tremendous work, being relentless, performing at a high level of technique and power, giving of immense energy and passion, ultimately the dancer is giving of “Their Best!”. This is the same state that we must be in when we take on life.

Being “Buck” and having an all powerful God behind you, puts you in a position where you could never truly fail at anything. This unique combination of being “Buck” and having God with you grants you the ability to do great things not only for yourself but for the world at large. When you are Buck you become a force to be reckoned with and you can positively change the world and this is a message that Throne Dynasty wants to share with the world through our NFT.

Find God, Be Impactful, Be “Holy Buck!!!”