Launched: May 11 2023



The Gonzovation Collection is a mixture of extinct and nearly extinct birds and animals. Drawn and painted by artist Ralph Steadman with words by partner Ceri Levy, the duo highlights the dangers faced by so many of the world’s creatures right now.


WildAid are on board as our conservation partner, and they carry out amazing work for the wildlife on this planet.

As Steadman and Levy comment, “This gonzovation project supports our chosen charity, WildAid, in their fight against the illegal wildlife trade, which is worth billions of dollars to those reaping the rewards. We salute their work and as Gonzovationists we stand with them.”

John Baker, Chief Program Officer at WildAid says, "WildAid is thrilled to have Ralph and Ceri's help in highlighting the crisis facing wildlife around the world. Ralph’s images help call attention to the species that need our help most urgently and inspire action."

A percentage of sales will go directly to WildAid.