Launched: June 11 2022

Elemental Sabre Tooth


Our first project is called ElementalSaberTooth. Before the 10k NFT drop, our priority is to establish one of the best NFT communities in the world.

Join our Discord, and choose one elemental team, you can always change it. Each team will have the same number of whitelist spots, so balance between the elements will be kept.

I am Dr. Merlin. Cofounder of NomoreExtinct. I am a medical doctor. I'll be answering your health problems on Discord. There will be more physicians joining us.


We are NoMoreExtinct. First NFT project from doctors!

Our first project is called ElementalSaberTooth. Before the 10k NFT drop, our priority is to establish one of the best NFT communities in the world.

Join our Discord, and choose one elemental team, you can always change it. Each team will have the same number of whitelist spots, so balance between the elements will be kept.

I am Dr. Merlin. Cofounder of NomoreExtinct. I am a medical doctor. I'll be answering your health problems on Discord. There will be more physicians joining us.

A new category is created on Discord called Health Cons. I and my colleagues will answer your health problems as physicians, and we will provide you with simple instructions and some information about your problem to enlighten you about it. We do this to make you feel like a family here, cost free. If we receive so many requests, please forgive us for the delay. As our family grows, I will add more of my colleagues into the project. After the mint, this category will only be available to holders.

Our project is called ElementalSabreTooth because it has elements of nature: Fire, Water, Air and Earth. It also has mutant elements: Blue Fire, Blood, Poisonous Gas and Coal. Cool right? Yes, but not enough. We have a superior group: Crystals. Diamond, Emerald, Ruby and Sapphire. Easy to understand, cool to own! There will be other elements as well, just stay tuned!

We sincerely hope you join our family, and become a strong member in our community.

Every ElementalSabreTooth holder will be given an ElementalMammoth. After 2 successful drops, there will be a huge surprise. We will not let anything hurt ElementalSabreTooth in terms of rarity and value. We’ve checked so many successful and unsuccessful projects while building the path that we are going to follow. We have made a lot of research and evaluation, so we know how to make a successful drop, and to keep it prosperous. That’s why, as doctors, we put so much time and effort into this.


Our responsibility is to resurrect extinct animals on Metaverse! We are doing this to increase awareness for the Earth and nature. Yes, we aim to the moon or Mars, however we feel responsible for this planet more than any other. So, we will be donating more than %10 of our earnings to They have a great team, and they manage great projects. We aim to become a member of “The Legacy Club” as NoMoreExtinct family. Check everything about it:

We will collaborate with them formally as we go through this journey, and we will allways serve the nature to heal herself. If we become a Legacy Club member, we will be doing great real-life events! They have given so much to the nature, and you know who also has given so much for nature and society, Mr. Beast. We love him. We really would love to collab with him in the future in one of his philanthropy projects. We’d be so glad to raise awareness of extinction of nature on such a great channel. That is the kind of “Mars” we aim at.

Our project has so many aspects; NFT’s, Metaverse, Health, Charity, Collaborations… However, our biggest hit will be the Coin Project, every CRYSTAL ElementalSabreTooth holder will receive NME coins. This project will be launched in the following months of the drop. Not sooner, because we will need get in touch with some crypto whales, we know one by the way, and plan every single detail with them. Every single detail will be shared with you. Also, there will be a great trader team behind it to keep the coin project in good hands. By that time, the project will get into a shape, and I promise, you will not be disappointed. We know that every project now gives some free stuff, and some have disappointed many, including me. It’s because of the weakness of the project. Artwork might be good, blockchain knowledge could be fine; but if they don’t have the vision and a strong project, it just doesn’t work. DYOR and feel free to ask us on Discord, also don't forget, feel free to ask us about your health problems.