Launched: April 21 2022

Don Kong Mafia Wars


DonKong are a collection of 3,333 exclusive genesis Kong generated Non Fungible Tokens (NFTS). Each Kong are extremely special, and written on the Gas Free Polygon Blockchain (no gas fees when buying or selling a Don Kong!).


In the distant future, the New Kong city divided into 5 Crime Family. DonKong offer 3,333 identities that proclaim their affiliation with 1 of 5 Crime Family, as part of the Family, every DonKong holders able to purchase and build your land, expand your family and become Don, now which Family will you stand for?

These awesome Kongs, come with various traits that make each very unique and collectible in essence. For instance Laser Eyes, Boy Hat, or as seen on many of them, in this incredible initial collection and will form part of our upcoming game release.