Launched: June 06 2022

Dizzy Devils


This project has an investment security mechanism, where the artwork has a rule to be displayed correctly. If the buyer puts the artwork up for sale for a value below 0.1ETH, the image that will be displayed will be of the "contract", showing that the value must be from 0.1 ETH to display the artwork properly. It is important to remember that the buyer will not lose his artwork, and he will still be able to sell it if someone buys without knowing the true picture. Dizzy Devils is a community project, so this mechanism represents a way of investment protection provided by it.


Dizzy Devils is an NFT collection made up of 6,666 artworks, developed from a different perspective of what hell is and the elements that compose it. The universe of Dizzy Devils was built with the premise of demonstrating that hell is perhaps not a totally despicable place and composed only of evil creatures, and its amazing inhabitants can interact with the human world in other ways, which are explored both in history and in the artwork. Thus, the collection of friendly devils makes use of the most varied elements of pop, digital and other cultures to present this way of appropriation of the little demons over our world, and how they manage to create their environments and expand its influence into the NFT universe.