Launched: December 15 2021

Digital Animals


Digital Animals is your pass to the Souls Club ecosystem:‬

‪- The play-to-mint game for iOS/Android

‪- 888 Legendary collection - different 1/1 art of animated animals available through burning the crystals traded or collected in game,‬

‪- Digital Dynamic Soul that's a representation of you, driven by AI‬,

‪- SafeSoul browser security extension simulates transaction and More


The killer feature of the project is the Digital Souls - fully generative unique art which generated by AI semanthic analisys of user's twitter activity and are inlaid into the unique animal.

Using AI we can determine the person’s type of activity, his mood, hobbies, speech style, aggressiveness, popularity, engagement, as well as the number of tokens in his wallet and transactions.

Each animal with a soul is an access pass into the Game. Users with their animals will be prompted to explore 3 elements (earth, air and water) of the world of Souls and to collect crystals - once collected they will be able to mint a new legendary animal (animated).
This is the work flow of the content in game:

Soul > Animals > Game > Crystals > Legendary Animals