Launched: March 19 2022

Dead Like Me


Dead Like Me is a limited collection of 1,500 8-bit, 3-D unique NFT digital collectibles living on the Ethereum blockchain.


The idea behind the Dead Like Me project was to recapture childhood memories, like the time when my father took me to see the 3-D horror movie Friday the 13th Part 3, or when we'd stay up at night watching other movies like Day of the Dead, Return of the Living Dead, and Creep Show. A time when I couldn't wait to get home from school so my friends and I could play popular 8-bit video games such as Contra, The Legend Of Zelda, and Super Mario Bros. A time when Converse high tops, and acid wash jeans were what we wore, while others chose fluorescent pinks and greens as their choice for fashionable clothing to match the colored streaks in their hair.

A time when we weren't slaves to smart phones and the internet and would have to interact face to face. Most importantly, it was a time when kids could be kids without adults in their faces, watching, approving, organizing, structuring, and supervising every single thing they did, every decision they made, and coddling every feeling they had. There is something so refreshingly liberating about a childhood that gives responsibility and independence back to the child, and that is something all children of the 80s were lucky enough to enjoy.