Launched: June 19 2022

Crypto Bulls NFT Club


Crypto Bulls come from Satoshi, an advanced civilization planet where cryptocurrencies are the only available way of payment and web2 applications have disappeared for long. On Satoshi, every program is interconnected through the blockchain network, and Crypto Bulls managed to use the power of the metaverse to create a peaceful world where bulls and machines live in harmony, devoting all their energy to constantly improving this sacred connection.

- Treasury Fund and DAO community
- Staking Platform
- Crypto-arbitrage activity for the DAO
- Play to Earn (collections)
- NFT Physical customization
- Crypto Bulls Farm to burn NFTs and ensure price stability
- Trading and Web3 Programming Institute (Physical and online)



1️⃣- Private Mint for Early Bulls - Supply 555 (100 USD, 2 SOL)
This private mint will be the beginning of our journey. It will be open to the project partners and those who have contributed to making it grow (Early Bulls). The price is 2 SOL (around 100 USD) and only a very limited quantity will be available at this price (555)



2️⃣- Pre Mint for Whitelisted Bulls - Supply 2222 (200 USD, 4 SOL)
We plan to make our second mint during the summer, once our massive marketing campaign starts to bear its juicy fruits and bulls worldwide hear the calling sent by Crypto Bulls to join their army!

3️⃣- Creation of the Crypto Bulls Staking Platform
We will start to distribute Tokens to every holder staking their Crypto Bull NFT on our platform. The staking yield will depend on rarity and the token will give many benefits to holders in our Ecosystem (NFT customization impacting the staking power, Early accesses, Event participation, Long-term project governance, Metaverse).

4️⃣- Initiation of the Crypto Bulls DAO
We will create a DAO (where 50% of the funds will be stored) and implement the smart contract giving the right to every Crypto Bull Token holder to vote for the best way to place the funds (Stable coin staking, Web3 applications, NFT projects, Crypto projects, Crypto-arbitrage...), which charity organization to help, what amount of the funds to allocate for building a collection and to buy back NFTs on the secondary market (Crypto Farm).

5️⃣- First Vote through the DAO
Once the first mint is complete, we will initiate a vote through the DAO to create the crypto-arbitrage vehicle and set up the activity (crypto trading license, improvement of the algorithms and fine-tuning of the hedging strategies...).

6️⃣- Starting the Crypto-arbitrage activity
Once the second mint is complete and if the community votes for it, Crypto Bulls will activate their bots looking for live price discrepancies amongst exchanges (crypto-arbitrage)

7️⃣- Creation of Crypto Bulls fine art collectibles
We partnered with the highest caliber artists in Paris to meticulously design and carve the best quality items (jackets, T-shirts, sunglasses, cool lighters...) that would convey the Crypto Bulls message to the whole world.

8️⃣- New Mint - Supply 6666 (300 USD, 6 SOL)
Once the whole world knows who we are, we will invite the last bulls to join our community and participate in our unique adventure to make the crypto space useful for the planet and people in need.



9️⃣- Fully Decentralized DAO
Our main goal is to create a fully decentralized DAO, which is a complex process that takes time, but allows every holder to create a vote for the community. By doing so, the DAO could be seen as a Venture Capital owned and managed by every member of the community.

?-Physical customization of your NFT
With the Crypto Bulls Token, holders will have the possibility to access our accessories shop and exchange their tokens for some unique new attributes (Sword, Laser, Helmet…) that would make their NFT even more unique and powerful.

1️⃣1️⃣- Metaverse
We will buy LAND in the Sandbox, our long-term plan is to develop the Crypto Bulls universe and create a unique experience where long term holders will have a lot of benefits such as access to virtual events in metaverse, and more amazing features.

1️⃣2️⃣- Web3 Programming Institute (Physical and online)
Our long-term vision is to create a charity that would offer high-level education for free to everyone that wants to learn about the crypto space and its innovative solutions (web3 applications, algo-trading, staking processes, crypto-arbitrage techniques...)