Launched: March 09 2023

Bitter Pill Man


Bitter Pill Man is an 8,888 strong collection of unique, hand drawn NFTs with a deeper meaning, improving men's lives forever.


The BPM team is determined to build a brand that will last the test of time though engaging and enriching people's lives who become involved in the project

Each NFT will unlock additional perks and benefits down the line as long as you hold them

Roadmap includes:

- Long term project that’s here to stay
- Utility enabled including Airdrops, Merch discounts, Alpha Club and DAO
- Unique art with deeper meaning full IP rights for owners
- Helping like-minded frens and improving men’s lives
- 50% Royalty distribution to holders
- 10 ETH Golden Bag NFT to be won
- A profitable future for all

WL Presale - 0.06 ETH
Public sale - 0.08 ETH

Mint Date:
Thursday March 9th 2023