Launched: April 11 2022

Aureal NFT Architecture


Aureal is a unique artistic / architectural project of its kind which aims to design and release digital works of art (NFT) that contain within them a parametric architectural project that can be built in the real world.


Aureal’s main goal is to become a bridge between ‘virtual’ and ‘real’, between architectural design and the building.
By exploiting the new technologies derived from the BIM methodology and the use of the IFC open format, we promote an alternative marketing strategy that focuses on the design skills of a generation of professionals of the future, architects, engineers, designers and artists who want to renew the connection between digital and real world.

We are going to change the way of selling an AEC (Architecture, Engineering and Construction) product in favour of the uniqueness and of the abilities of the single one or of a group of professionals stopping a serial, obsessive, ruthless and global market, which no longer looks at architectural beauty or a unique and authentic product.

When the buyer gets the nft ownes the architectural projects that is connected to it: this project will be set in a captivating landscape and he can be enjoyed in a fully immersive virtual experience.

The nft is the artistic soul of the project while the ifc open format file carries all the technical information, and for the very first time in the construction field they're linked together as one thing creating a link between the virtual and the real world.