Launched: December 29 2022

YugiBao NFT


YugiBAO is a collection of 2,999 non-autogenerated, individually created 3D YugiBaos, powered by Morgana Studios, a well-known VFX and 3D Animation Studio located in the heart of Madrid, Spain.


Morgana Studios is backed by a team of veteran animators, designers, creative directors, marketers, and crypto savvys that have worked together to bring this unique project to life. We want to create a unique visual story-telling brand that drives creative content to the Solana Blockchain. This journey starts with an NFT collection that will make YOU a part of this adventure: developing the first Decentralized Digital Content Studio.You can become a part of it, as the story evolves into a unique and unmatched 3D animated TV show, together with unique merchandising , digital and physical collectibles, holder benefits, and other exclusive rewards.