Launched: November 10 2022, 22:00 UTC

0xDoge Official


0xDoge has high complexity (pixel art). 414 traits are picked randomly. Art is created with variety. A homage to Doge culture! 10.000 On-Chain Doge, Hand Drawn, Living on Polygon Blockchain. Our Future Road Map: -Community Driven -Utility Enable -Proof of HODL - Stake to Earn Reward in $Dogecoin -0xDoge Casino (Play to Earn) in $Dogecoin - MINT2EARN


0xDoge has high complexity (pixel art). 414 traits are picked randomly. Art is created with variety. A homage to Doge culture! 10.000 On-Chain Doge, Hand Drawn, Living on Polygon Blockchain. Our Future Road Map: -Community Driven -Utility Enable -Proof of HODL - Stake to Earn Reward in $Dogecoin -0xDoge Casino (Play to Earn) in $Dogecoin - MINT2EARN