Launched: May 04 2022

Meta Rhinos


Meta Rhino Gaming Society is a DAO driven NFT project which utilises play-to-earn NFT technology streams to create a passive income which is reinvested back in the community.

Floor price is expected to stay strong right from the mint with an expected $1 million being initially invested under the democratic direction of the community DAO. MetaRhinos Genesis is the Pre-sale being launched on 4th May 2022 which is set to open the potential on the main mint.


Meta Rhino Gaming Society Season 1 due for launch Q3 of 2022 is a collection of 10000 individual nft’s with a huge passive-income reinvestment strategy. This is a community focussed project where key reinvestment decisions are diplomatically decided by the DAO members.

Rarest 1000 NFT’s obtain a confirmed seat in DAO along with holders of the Genesis Addition
Continual reinvestment from P2E income systematically reinvested across the community under directive of the DAO.

Strong Sustainable FP driven by reinvestment
Reinvestment strategy across P2E & NFT real estate platforms