Launched: October 07 2022



BASC is a collection of 1000 Bored Ape Strip Club NFTs - Unique digital collectibles living on the Polygon Blockchain. Your BASC doubles as your Strip Club membership card, and grants acces to members-only benefits. Future areas and perks can be unlocked by the community through roadmap activation.


There are no bonding curves here. Buying a Bored Ape Strip Club costs 0.08 ETH. There are no price tiers; BASC membership costs the same for everyone.
Each Bored Ape is unique and generated from different possible traits. All apes are dope, but some are rarer than others.
The apes are stored as ERC-721 tokens on the Polygon Blockchain and hosted on IPFS. Purchasing an ape costs 0.08 ETH.