Launched: April 11 2022

Willie’s NFTs to Support Ukraine


Invest in Willie’s genesis collection of single edition NFTs to support Ukraine, dropping on April 11, 2022


For the past 12 years, Willie has traveled the world helping orphans and displaced families. Here is a collection of Willie’s best photographs that have been transformed into art. Each NFT is an immortalized moment from his journey of love. The original unedited image is included with each of these NFTs. There are only 40, so get yours now before they are all taken.

Help Our Ukrainian Volunteers Directly

We would not have been able to do anything without our volunteers. From just simple translation to ensuring that we were helping where the real need was, volunteers have been crucial for our charitable work in Ukraine. For this reason, we have distributed half of this collection among our Ukrainian volunteers. Please consider buying an NFT from them first so we can help get them back onto their feet.


Owning an NFT from this collection is an excellent way to invest in a digital asset while helping Ukrainians. Your investment is also a tax-deductible donation. Please consider buying and selling for profit so that our charity can continue raising money through resales.

Be sure to Follow Willie on social media and share his cause.

The Where is Willie Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization.